We all love building bigger and bigger, but hitting the UPS ceiling really puts a damper on the mood.
Thats why we must continue our endless quest to optimize the game.
Roboports Optimization
I noticed a problem with logistic robots in our office save: someone removed a cable from the automated system adding more robots to roboports on Fulgora. In a few hours, we ended up with an overpopulated logistic networks with 10k robots having nowhere to go, because all the roboports were full.
Since no one noticed this problems for hours, the first reaction was to add an alert for when the worker robots don’t have any space to station, similar to the alert of no storage space.

But the underlying problem is, that the worker robot update is too simplistic. All the robots are iterated every tick and their update logic executed. However the update logic is most of the time very very simple, things like “continue moving towards this target”, “wait in the queue to start charging”, etc.
It is not a new idea, to fake the smooth movement of something while actually updating only once in a while. We used the chunk update planner (FFF-161) and the smoke update trick (FFF-84) 9 years ago, so it was just a question of time until these techniques would be applied to the worker robots.
The problem with the worker robots, compared to just smokes is, that they do a lot of different things (different types of job, stationing, charging, etc.), but since I was motivated to find another way to optimise the game, I sat down, and jumped right in.
The main part of the challenge was the robots moving, as most of the logic worked in a simple way of:
- Are we there yet?
- No! Move closer
- Are we there yet?
- Yes, do the next part of the logic.
Debug visualisation: Red (real robot) is only updated once every 20 ticks. Ghost robot is the predicted position used for rendering.
There needs to be some limit, as the robot can be traveling for a long time, and maybe some distant robot travels into the center of our screen, but we wouldn’t know about it, as its physical position would be too far. We check edges of screen for different reasons of similar kinds (lamps making light from offscreen for example), so there is some leeway. Because of that, I just decided to define some hardcoded magic numbers of maximum 20 ticks of movement without update and 60 ticks of stationary robot without updates. These could be probably increased, but the practical performance gain would have extremely diminishing returns at this point.
The result
In the office LAN party save, the overall save performance was increased by 15%, and it generally depends on the amount of robots, but with some heavy robot saves, the overall performance gain is usually around 10-25%. I call this a success.
This is one of those things that I keep hearing from everyone: make electric network update multithreaded.